

Praise God there is grace for the journey and He chooses to use us in spite of ourselves.


It comes from many directions. It may be worded a little differently or wearing a surprising hat. Perhaps it arises from a comment in a book or the message of a podcast. Maybe a passing conversation, an unusual encounter, or a slowly dawning realization settles in to stay. The surface is unique but the substance remains the same. An idea that won't stop nagging. An impression that refuses to accept inaction.

Some call it coincidence. I call it God's providence. His invitation to move, to risk, to love. I've seen it in the big things--marriage, career, adoption. I've also known it in the smaller things--reaching out to a neighbor, feeding a houseful of hungry people, offering grace to a naughty child.

Maybe it’s just the simple idea to share what you know. To pass on the lessons life has taught. To encourage someone who may be embarking on a path you have already traversed. Nothing complicated. Not coming from the position of an expert. Just offering the perspective of someone who’s already been there.

Accept God’s invitation to move, to risk, to love.



Maybe its just the simple idea to share what you know.

There's a cost, of course. There always is. Reaching out takes time. Investing requires energy. There's room for misunderstanding and it's always easier to just stick with the status quo (whatever that is).  We have to get over ourselves too. Pride in the form of a know-it-all posture isn't helpful. Neither is an attitude of inadequacy that passes the responsibility on to someone more qualified or experienced.

A sweet group of moms meets at my house. My dear friend and I lead the group and as you would expect, I have been encouraged and learned much more from these ladies than I have imparted. At times I've wondered why I dare. God reveals some glaring hole in my mothering. It's Basic Parenting 101 that I have forgotten and failed to implement. How can I lead when I am so often reminded of my frailty and failure? But instead of focusing on my shortcomings, I can rejoice in God's faithfulness to reveal and teach. With new humility I press in and press on. None of us has arrived and we all continue to learn and deal with sin and selfishness.



You can offer the perspective of someone who has already been there.

But praise God there is grace for the journey and He chooses to use us in spite of ourselves.

What life event has the Lord walked you through that would help someone else? A failure overcome? A victory celebrated? Maybe just evidence of His faithfulness to someone who feels weary? He invites you to reach out and minister in His name.

Will you accept the invitation?


Happy (Late) Mother’s Day

Happy (Late) Mother’s Day

 Wrong Way

Wrong Way