

I realize and rejoice that my mothering continues to expand.

     “Mama, where do babies come from?” I skipped up to my mother, shoe untied, hair escaping my ponytail, pulling eagerly on her elbow. There was one thing I knew for sure. I wanted a baby someday. 

     She leaned over to look me in the eyes, her hand resting on my head. “One day when you get married, if you love your husband very, very much, God will give you a baby.”  

     “Ok.” I scooted away, satisfied with her answer and convinced I knew what to do. I focused on the if of my mother’s response. If I loved my husband enough, then a baby would come. Since God was the giver of babies, I decided I’d better get a head start on convincing Him of my sincerity. God, I promise I will love my husband so so much. Please give me a baby when I grow up.


  “Mama, where do babies come from?”


Mothering is a cherished calling and a profound gift. 

     In God’s gracious plan, He did fulfill my desire to become a mother. I enjoy the great honor of twelve wonderful people calling me mom and that has been the most challenging, satisfying, faith-stretching, startlingly beautiful ministry of my life. Mothering is a cherished calling and a profound gift.  

     I’m older now. Mothering remains my main gig, but it looks a little different. I still rub backs and put on band-aids. I continue to read out loud and play marbles. I feed and clean and listen and teach. But I will never again birth or nurse an infant. I won’t feel the wonder of new life twisting and stretching inside my womb. And one day I will no longer have the joy of children living full time at home. 


The calling is shifting and changing but continues in its essence—mothering. 

 But even as I experience these changes, I realize and rejoice that my mothering continues to expand. Instead of the largely hidden, home-based nurturing of the first twenty-plus years, my influence stretches to embrace four beautiful daughters-in-law, a son-in-law, and six rockstar grandsons. I also have the privilege of mentoring some precious younger moms and now the Lord is stretching my influence through writing. The calling is shifting and changing but continues in its essence—mothering.  

     The Lord is gracious. He allows me to mother. He equips me moment by moment. He covers my mistakes and failures. And He even provides new opportunities and avenues to serve Him in this cherished role. 

     Ladies, no matter our circumstance, the Lord wants to use us to influence, encourage, teach, and love—in short, to mother. Some of us are in the trenches with young children, patiently training teens, or coaching young adults. Others may never have officially carried the title of mom. Whether a parent or not, our tender influence and nurture matters to those around us. God invites us into this sacred ministry for the ultimate purpose of making Him known.

     On this Mother’s Day we can embrace our calling anew. We can spread the love of Jesus to our dear ones and neighbors and the cashier at Walmart. It is holy work He has entrusted to us.

Happy Mother’s Day.

 God With Us (Advent 2020)

God With Us (Advent 2020)

Three Steps To Spread A Contagious Hope When the World is Falling Apart

Three Steps To Spread A Contagious Hope When the World is Falling Apart